Szakkollégiumunk tagjai is adtak elő az ICCECIP 2023 CONFERENCE 13-14 November 2023 / Budapest, Hungary – 5th International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection konferencián.

Az ICCECIP konferencia egy jelentős nemzetközi események számít a kritikus infrastruktúra védelem területén, melyen számos kiemelkedő, nemzetközileg is elismert kutató vett részt.
Örülünk neki, hogy idén már két publikációval is részt tudtunk venni és reméljük a jövőben ez a szám növekedni fog.

“The „ICCECIP 2023 — 5th International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection” will be held this year as part of the Hungarian Science Festival in a present form in Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering at 13-14 November 2023.
The current international political situation and the EU sanctions directly and indirectly affect the energy security of the countries of the European Union. The energy sector is a very important segment between the critical infrastructures. The new motto of this year’s conference is “The impact of the energy dependency on critical infrastructure protection.” The key goal is to highlight the unity of our region and give space for all researchers around the World, experienced and young researchers, and PhD students to share their latest results and the public. The common historical and cultural past of the region, as well as the common development path of the last centuries also, continuous cooperation connects our countries and lay the foundations for future common goals. The ICCECIP 2023 also serves to foster communication among researchers and engineers working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest.
The meeting will provide an opportunity to highlight recent developments and identify emerging and future growth areas in this exciting field. Also, the conference program includes oral presentations and poster sessions from scientists working in similar areas to establish a platform for collaborative research projects in this field.”
Konferencia honlapja:
A szakkollégium 2023-24 évi működését támogatja a Nemzeti Tehetség Program és a Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium, az Emberi Erőforrás Támogatáskezelő által kiírt „Szakkollégiumok tehetséggondozó programjainak támogatása” című pályázata (NTP-SZKOLL-23-0056).